How To Publish A Research Paper In International Journal
Publication of research, survey, review paper for young scholar is always a puzzle. So this article help those scholar who want publication in international general for I want to know how to publish a research paper in international journal. Finding research paper Publication website easy but selection of valid website for Publication need a small experience or proper guidance. Few of suggestion or precaution scholar should take before submission of paper our list below:
- International journal Publication website should have a valid impact factor from a valid organisation.
- International journal Publication website should have ISSN approval
- Life of this journal or website should be four years on more.
- Each volume or issue of international Journal should have paper from different college universities.
- .Publication cost of international journal should be clearly mention on website.
- Article processing time or review time should be clearly mention on website.
- Check journal social platforms as well before paper submission.
- Paper limit for third on number of minimum paper pages.
- For digital Certificate of authors
Submit Your Paper / Check Publication Charges
At last I suggest each author or corresponding author to consult mentor or guide for paper submission for selected journal profile.